Describe a Speech You Give

Describe a Speech You Give

Describe a speech you give

You should say:

  • When and to whom you gave the speech?
  • What was the speech about?
  • Why did you give the speech?
  • How did you feel about it?

Sample Answer 1 Describe a Speech You Give

Recently, I was invited to speak at a local community center to a group of aspiring writers, ranging from enthusiastic teenagers to seasoned adults exploring a new passion. The event took place just last month, tailored for individuals looking to hone their craft in creative writing.

My speech centered on “The Journey of a Writer,” where I dissected the various stages of developing as a writer, from the spark of inspiration to the perseverance needed to complete projects and seek publication. I shared insights into building a routine, overcoming writer’s block, and the importance of reading widely. The speech also touched on the emotional aspects of writing, such as dealing with rejection and the joy of sharing one’s work with the world.

The reason behind this speech was my desire to demystify the writing process. Many people view writing as a talent one either has or doesn’t, but I wanted to emphasize that it’s a skill that can be developed with dedication. My goal was to inspire the attendees to pursue their writing aspirations actively and to provide practical advice that could aid them on their journey.

Speaking to an audience about a subject I’m deeply passionate about was exhilarating. It was gratifying to see the flickers of recognition and motivation in the listeners’ eyes as I spoke. Sharing personal anecdotes and lessons learned made the experience feel intimate and engaging. Afterwards, I was filled with a profound sense of fulfillment, knowing that my words might encourage someone to follow their passion for writing.

Sample Answer 2 Describe a Speech You Give

In the late spring of this year, I had the privilege of addressing a group of young entrepreneurs at a startup incubator event. The audience comprised bright, eager minds from various sectors, all united by their common dream of launching their own ventures and making a mark in the business world.

My speech was titled “The Resilience in Failure.” It focused on the inevitable setbacks entrepreneurs face on their path to success, the lessons learned from each failure, and the importance of resilience in the entrepreneurial journey. I shared anecdotes from well-known entrepreneurs who had faced significant challenges but used them as stepping stones to achieve greater success. The core message was to encourage these young entrepreneurs not to fear failure but to see it as an integral part of their growth and learning process.

I was invited to give this speech because of my background in business consultancy and my personal experiences with startup ventures. Having navigated through failures and successes in my career, I aimed to offer insights that could prepare these individuals for the road ahead.

Feeling a mix of excitement and responsibility, I delivered my speech, hoping to impact these young minds positively. Seeing their reactions – nods of agreement, thoughtful expressions, and even jotted notes – was incredibly rewarding. It reinforced my belief in the power of sharing real-world experiences to inspire and educate. After the speech, I felt a profound sense of satisfaction, knowing that my words could potentially help these future leaders to persevere through challenges and pursue their dreams with renewed vigor.

Follow-ups Describe a Speech You Give

Question 1 Why do people get nervous when they speak in public?

Answer – People often get nervous when speaking in public due to the fear of judgment, making mistakes, or not meeting their or the audience’s expectations. This anxiety can stem from a lack of confidence in their speaking abilities or the topic they are discussing, leading to a fear of embarrassment or failure.

Question 2 How can they improve their public speaking skills?

Answer – Improving public speaking skills can be achieved through regular practice and exposure to speaking opportunities. Learning to organize thoughts coherently, understanding the audience, and practicing speaking in a clear and engaging manner are crucial. Additionally, watching skilled speakers and receiving constructive feedback can help build confidence and refine one’s technique.

Question 3 What different kinds of speeches or lectures have you attended in your life?

Answer – Over the years, I have attended a wide variety of speeches and lectures, ranging from academic presentations at universities, motivational talks by industry leaders, technical seminars in professional settings, to storytelling sessions by authors. Each provided unique insights and perspectives, contributing to my personal and professional growth.

Question 4 What qualities (attributes) should these visiting speakers have?

Answer – Visiting speakers should possess deep knowledge of their subject matter, the ability to engage with the audience, and the skill to present information clearly and compellingly. Empathy, humor, and the capacity to inspire or provoke thought are also valuable qualities that can enhance the impact of their speech.

Question 5 Why do many people find it hard to talk to young children?

Answer – Many people find it challenging to talk to young children because communicating effectively requires adjusting their language, simplifying complex concepts, and engaging in a way that holds the child’s interest. The fear of not understanding or being understood by children can make these interactions seem daunting.

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