You Are an English Language School Student Living in Private Accommodation

You Are an English Language School Student Living in Private Accommodation

You are an English language school student living in private accommodation with other students from the school. You have not had hot water or heating for some time. The landlord’s workers have tried to fix the problem but without success. Write a letter to the landlord. In your letter:

  • State your reason for writing.
  • Describe the problems.
  • Propose a solution.

Sample 1:- You Are an English Language School Student Living in Private Accommodation

Dear Sir,

I am Mayank, your Tennent, writing this letter to let you know about the hot water problem that occurred last week and has not been resolved yet.

We are young students studying in English classes, and as you know, winters are starting, and the temperature here drops to 10 – 8 degrees. Being students, we need to attend classes early in the morning. And we have a huge problem with the hot water supply. However, an attempt was made to fix the problem, but somehow it didn’t work out.

Due to this problem, we are unable to concentrate on our exams. Moreover, we have a selection for football in schools because we have loads of practice going on, and we are surviving without hot water.

In my opinion, You should come along with your maintenance team to check and get the problem sorted. This has taken almost two weeks without hot water.

will be waiting to hear from you

Best Regards,

Also Read You Are Moving To A New Country, Write A Letter To The Accommodation

Sample 2:- You Are an English Language School Student Living in Private Accommodation

Dear Mr./Ms. Smith,

I am writing to express my concerns about our apartment’s lack of hot water and heating. As you know, we have been without these essential services for several weeks now. Your workers have tried to fix the problem but have yet to succeed.

The lack of hot water has made it very difficult to maintain a clean and hygienic environment. We have been unable to bathe or wash our clothes properly. This has led to a number of health problems, including skin infections and respiratory problems.

The lack of heating has also made staying warm in the winter very difficult. We have been forced to wear multiple layers of clothing and sleep with multiple blankets. This has made it difficult to get a good night’s sleep and has also led to a number of health problems, including fatigue and headaches.

We are very concerned about these problems’ impact on our health and well-being. We are also concerned about their impact on our ability to study and work.

We want to propose the following solution:-

  • You hire a qualified plumber to fix the problem with the water heater. You provide a temporary space heater until the heating system is set.
  • You reimburse us for the cost of any medical expenses that we have incurred as a result of the lack of hot water and heating.
  • We hope that you will take our concerns seriously and take action to resolve these problems as soon as possible.

Thank you for your time and consideration.


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