Getting Up Early: Speaking Part 1 Questions with Answers

Getting Up Early: Speaking Part 1 Questions with Answers

Getting up Early: Speaking Part 1 Questions with Answers. These are the IELTS Speaking Part 1 Topics and Questions on general topics about your life. Your answers will be from your life and experience.

Getting Up Early: Speaking Part 1 Questions with Answers

Question 1:- Do you often get up early in the morning?

Answer 1:- No, as I am a night owl, I cannot get up early even if I have lots of work. I like to sleep late and, in the same way, like to get up late also.

Answer 2:- Yes, I am only a bird, and I like to get up early because you are. I never get up early. I feel more energized and fresh.

Question 2:- What do you usually do when you get up early?

Answer 1:- I started getting up early during lockdown; at that time, I preferred to do yoga after waking up early is enjoyed doing it in the early morning.

Answer 2:- After getting up early, I complete my personal choice, and I like to go study because, in the morning time, I understand concepts easily.

Question 3:- What’s your morning routine?

Answer 1:- I usually get up at 8 o’clock. After that, I go to the bathroom, get dressed up for my job, eat breakfast till 8.30 am, and leave for the office in the next 15 minutes.

Answer 2:- First, I get up only at 5 o’clock, brush my teeth, get fresh, take breakfast, and get back to study.

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Question 4:- Is breakfast important to you?

Answer 1:- Yes, I cannot go outside my home without it as it is a very important part of the day. We should not skip our breakfasts.

Answer 2:- Oh yes, it is important because I feel very hungry after a long night, so it gives me energy.

Question 5:- Do you get up early on weekends?

Answer 1:- No, I never tried to get up early during weekends as I love to sleep, and usually, on weekends, I get to sleep more.

Answer 2:- No, on weekends, I do not like to get up early because all my weekdays are very busy to study purposes, so on Saturday and Sunday, I like to get up late.

Question 6:- What kinds of people usually get up early? Why?

Answer 1:- I guess it varies from person to person, but yes, if you are working, you have to get up early, like students have to get up early because of school.

Answer 2:- Multitasking people get up early, likewise working women because they have two complete work at home and go to the office after that.

Question 7:- What are the benefits of getting up early?

Answer 1:- You can have fresh air and enjoy the sunrise; this routine can make you much healthier.

Answer 2:- Whenever we get up early, we feel more energetic and also do not rush to get ready and take more time for ourselves.

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