Some People Think that All Teenagers Should Be Required to Do Unpaid Work

Some People Think that All Teenagers Should Be Required to Do Unpaid Work

Some people think that all teenagers should be required to do unpaid work in their free time to help the local community. They believe this would benefit both the individual teenager and society as a whole. Do you agree or disagree?

Sample 1: Some People Think that All Teenagers Should Be Required to Do Unpaid Work

A group of people believes youngsters should work as volunteers in their leisure time to help the local residential people. Although many people agree with this viewpoint, I disagree with this statement. I will explain the reason with relevant examples in upcoming paragraphs.

This passage will shed some light on how unpaid work benefits local people and individual teenagers. To begin with, teenagers do volunteer work in their free time to develop soft skills like communication skills and time management skills, not only soft skills but also develop good relationships with other people, which will benefit them in the future. Secondly, young people become good humans and develop humanity there as a result of criminal activities happening in the local area. Thus, this is the benefit for both local people and youngsters.

On the other hand, some demerits for teenagers’ unpaid jobs, such as not having a good focus on their work and not managing their own expenses. Youngsters work as paid workers, and teenagers have a good focus on their work instead of unpaid work. Even though parents give pocket money to their children but went teenagers earn it themselves, they understand the value of money. Moreover, he or she is doing paid work in their free time, then they manage expenses, and parents feel a low burden on their shoulders, like clothes expense and study books, and so on. In addition, people do work according to their interests then they gain a bundle of knowledge about this field. Hence, this is a major drawback for teenagers to do unpaid work.

To conclude, there are both merits and demerits to this situation. However, I believe that teenagers do pay work instead of unpaid work. So, this is a benefit for society and individual teenagers.

Sample 2: Some People Think that All Teenagers Should Be Required to Do Unpaid Work

Several individuals believe that charity work should be needed by juveniles in their leisure time to support the native people. Hence, it is beneficial for teenagers as well as entire commuting. This essay will highlight that this certainly is a rational approach that needs to be obtained from the agreeing side and thus lead to a logical conclusion.

Analyzing the statement and explaining further first and for a reason behind this is that children learn new things from work and people get support from them. To exemplify, in COVID- 19 time, some teenagers made groups via social media and decided to help older people who lived alone and help them to buy groceries, medicines, and vegetables. Juveniles learn that type of work, and older people get help.

Moreover, Teenagers are responsible for society and where they live. They spend several hours for take garbage, spreading awareness about stopping pollution, cleaning their society, and many more works, which are important to save not only one city but the whole world.

On the other hand, some people use Juveniles as free workers and give orders to do work. Several individuals order them to complete their private work, which is against Government law. The reason the government should control the local community and not allow any discrepancy with the law.

Recapitulate, although numerous people give juveniles personal work and break the law of the constitution. From my point of view, children learn some basic tasks and help other people.

Sample 3 Some People Think that All Teenagers Should Be Required to Do Unpaid Work

The proposal that all teenagers should be obligated to engage in unpaid community service during their leisure time is a topic that generates diverse opinions. While there are valid arguments for the benefits of such a requirement, I am inclined to disagree with the notion of mandatory unpaid work for teenagers. While community service can indeed offer valuable experiences, it is important to recognize the significance of personal choice and the potential for unintended consequences.

Engaging teenagers in unpaid community work can certainly have positive outcomes. It exposes them to a broader understanding of social issues, cultivates empathy, and instills a sense of responsibility towards the well-being of the local community. Additionally, participating in community service can help teenagers develop essential life skills such as teamwork, communication, and problem-solving. These experiences can contribute to their personal growth and character development, preparing them for future roles as responsible citizens.

Furthermore, unpaid community work can bridge generational gaps and promote a sense of unity within the community. Teenagers, by actively contributing to local projects and initiatives, can establish connections with older generations and establish a deeper appreciation for their community’s values and history. Such interactions can foster mutual understanding and collaboration among different age groups, benefiting the community’s social fabric.

However, making unpaid community service mandatory raises concerns regarding personal autonomy and potential unintended consequences. Forcing teenagers to engage in community work might lead to a sense of resentment and hinder the development of genuine empathy and willingness to contribute. Additionally, some teenagers might already be juggling academic commitments, extracurricular activities, and part-time jobs, leaving them with limited free time. Mandating additional responsibilities could lead to burnout and negatively impact their overall well-being.

Instead of mandatory unpaid work, a more effective approach could be to encourage and incentivize teenagers to voluntarily participate in community service. Providing recognition, certificates, or even small stipends could motivate them to contribute willingly while also acknowledging their efforts. This approach respects individual choice while still fostering a sense of civic duty.

In conclusion, while unpaid community service undoubtedly has merits in terms of personal growth and community unity, the idea of mandating all teenagers to participate poses challenges related to autonomy and well-being. Encouraging voluntary engagement with appropriate incentives might strike a better balance between fostering civic responsibility and respecting individual choices.

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