Reading: Speaking Part 1 Questions with Answers

Reading: Speaking Part 1 Questions with Answers

Reading: Speaking Part 1 Questions with Answers. These are the IELTS Speaking Part 1 Topics and Questions on general topics about your life. Your answers will be from your life and experience.

Reading: Speaking Part 1 Questions with Answers

Question 1. Do you like reading?

Answer 1:- I like reading whenever I got some free time. I read many books in my life.

Answer 2:- Yes, actually, reading is my hobby, and I like to read various types of books which give me knowledge.

Question 2 What books do you like to read?

Answer 1:- I recently completed a time management book on a job basis and read Satya ka Prayog by Gandhiji.

Answer 2:- I read all types of books but novels and my favorite.

Question 3. What book have you read recently?

Answer 1:- Handsome, I completed a time management book from jobs, and also I completed seven things in my life.

Answer 2:- Around a month ago, I read a biography of MS Dhoni, which is very inspirational.

Question 4. What did you learn from it?

Answer 1:- Twenty books, I learned WhatsApp think like how to manage your time and utilize your time in work and family time.

Answer 2:- I learn never to give up, and if someone sets their goal by heart, it will definitely be complete, like ms dhoni’s goal.

Question 5. Do you like to read at home or in other places?

Answer 1:- Right, to read in the library because, in the library, this environment is very calm and peaceful.

Answer 2:- I mostly like to read at the library because I feel more come and easy to concentrate on my study at that place.

Question 6. In what places do you think it is difficult to read?

Answer 1:- It was a crowded place, and it was difficult to read and remember things because all people were shouting at each other talk with each other.

Answer 2:- In some public places like bus stations in some function when lots of people talk with each other, it is very difficult to concentrate.

Question 7. Do you like to read by yourself or with other people?

Answer 1:- I like to read alone because, at this time, I concentrate on my reading instead of other things and talking.

Answer 2:- Oh yes, I read myself through various activities like reading answers loudly, sometimes recording my voice, and many more ways.

Question 8. Do you read professional books?

Answer 1:- Yes, I read your professional book earlier. I mention I read a time management book, and also I read many space exploration program books.

Answer 2:- No, I do not read any professional books because I feel they are boring.

Question 9. Why do parents make children read books at an early age?

Answer 1:- Parents make children read books at an early age because many parents believe a book is a very good friend for them and always helps in their tough times.

Answer 2:- Reading is good for children, improving their knowledge and sharpening their memory.

Question 10. What was your favorite book as a child?

Answer 1:- My favorite book as a child was Harry Potter because it was a very good and also magical science fiction book.

Answer 2:- When I was a child, my parents gave me a Harry Potter book on my 7th birthday, so it is my favorite book, and I read it around 7 to 8 times.

Question 11. Should reading be compulsory at school?

Answer 1:- Why not read the compulsory at school because in school how children learn how to read the book and how they understand its meaning.

Answer 2:- Yes, in my opinion, it is compulsory because it improves child smallest and it is good for their future.

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