The Pie Charts Show the Electricity Generated in Germany and France

The pie charts show the electricity generated in Germany and France from all sources and renewables in the year 2009. 

The pie charts show the electricity generated in Germany and FranceSample 1: The Pie Charts Show the Electricity Generated in Germany and France

The pie charts compare Germany and France regarding the electricity generation attributed to all sources and renewables in 2009.

Conventional thermal generated 59.6% of total electricity in Germany, but this figure stood low at 10.3% in France. On the other hand, about three- a quarter of the electricity in France was generated by nuclear power, which was three times higher than in Germany.

Renewable resources produced the least electricity in Germany at 17.4%. The highest proportions of electricity generation from renewable resources were generated through biomass and hydroelectric, with figures standing at 39.3% and 80.5%, respectively. Figures for wind and biomass sources in France were similar at 81% and 10.5%, respectively. In contrast, 36.9% and 17.7% of Germany’s renewable sources were from wind and hydroelectric. Both countries did not depend much on solar and thermal sources.

Overall, Germany produced more electricity than France. Conventional thermal was the major source of electricity in Germany. By contrast, France relied heavily on nuclear power for electricity generation.

Sample 2: The Pie Charts Show the Electricity Generated in Germany and France

The pie chart illustrates that Germany and France generated electricity using sources and renewables in 2009.

Overall, a quick glance at the graph is enough to make it clear that. Germany generates more electricity as compared to France. Moreover, Germany generates half of its electricity from thermal power plants while France uses nuclear power plants to generate electricity.

To begin with, In 2009, Germany’s electricity generation was 560 billion kWh. In this generation, most shares came from conventional thermal, which was almost 60%. However, Nuclear And Renewables Sources generated 23% and 17.4%, respectively. In addition, renewable Biomass generated 39.3%, which was the highest among all Renewable Sources. At the same time, the solar plant Contributes to the last proposition. The second highest renewable energy came from wind, and hydroelectric generated 17.7% renewable energy.

However, In the same year, France generated 510 billion kwh.76% of electricity came from nuclear power plants, and 24% of electricity came from thermal and Renewable Sources. Hydroelectric generated renewable energy four times more than Germany. Moreover, wind and Biomass generated 20% of energy, and Solar plants contributed the least share of France’s renewable energy. At the same time, Geothermal contributes 0% in both France and Germany.

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