The Pie Charts Show the Electricity Generated in Germany and France From All Sources

The Pie Charts Show the Electricity Generated in Germany and France From All Sources

The pie charts show the electricity generated in Germany and France from all sources and renewables in the year 2009. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and making comparisons where relevant. Write at least 150 words.The Pie Charts Show the Electricity Generated in Germany and France From All Sources

Sample 1 The Pie Charts Show the Electricity Generated in Germany and France From All Sources

The graphs demonstrate the pattern in which electricity is produced by different methods in Germany and France in the year 2009. Overall, Conventional Thermal and Nuclear were the prime sources of electricity generation in Germany and France, respectively; renewable energy sources were the minor sought-after choices in both countries, especially for Germany. Moreover, renewables were further classified into five sub-categories; although Geothermal had no contributions, it was still a separate category.

Starting with Germany, the Conventional Thermal method covered a considerable proportion of 59.6% of the chart, second to it was unclear with a little less than a quarter (23%) and the least electricity generating method was renewable with just 17.4%, out of which more than two-thirds was just biomass and wind with 39.3% and 36.9% of that 17.4%, hydroelectric and solar constituted the remaining one-third.

Coming to France, where the Nuclear method was the most popular, with more than three-quarters of the contribution, and the remaining portion was divided between Conventional Thermal and Renewables, with 10.3% and 13.7%, respectively. The majority of the renewable sources came from hydroelectric, with a whopping contribution of 80.5% and the remaining were divided amongst the rest of the sources.

Sample 2 The Pie Charts Show the Electricity Generated in Germany and France From All Sources

The pie chart shows information about the electricity manufactured in Germany and France from different sources and renewables in the year 2009

In the year 2009, Germany generated 560 KWH of electricity throughout the whole year. The major source of electricity was conventional thermal electricity, while France created 510 kwh n port, and the major contribution came from nuclear electricity.

Germany generated electricity from many supplies. They Created around 60% of their electricity from conventional and approximately 18% and 22% from renewable and nuclear, respectively. If particular talked about renewable Biomass had the highest percentage, and after that, wind, hydroelectric and solar.

France created their major electricity from nuclear, about 76 % and followed up by renewable and conventional bi 13.7 percentage and 10.3 percentage while. Regarding renewable, the priority was hydroelectric, around 80 % and wind and Biomass.

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