Describe a Tourist Attraction that Very Few People Visit but You Think Is Interesting 

Describe a Tourist Attraction that Very Few People Visit but You Think Is Interesting 

Describe a tourist attraction that very few people visit but you think is interesting 
You Should Say:

  • What/Where the place is?
  • What people can see there?
  • Why only very few people visit there?
  • And explain why you think it is interesting?

Sample Answer 1 Describe a Tourist Attraction that Very Few People Visit but You Think Is Interesting

In the secluded expanse of the Thar Desert, nestled in the Indian state of Rajasthan, lies the ancient town of Kuldhara. This centuries-old village stands today as a deserted land, enveloped in mystery and legends, attracting those who dare to explore its forgotten tales.

Kuldhara, once a prosperous settlement inhabited by the Paliwal Brahmins, is now an abandoned ghost town. Visitors can roam through the ruins of homes, temples, and stepwells that once held the essence of daily life. The architecture, though in ruins, speaks volumes of the community’s advanced understanding of engineering and planning. One can see the remnants of what used to be a well-laid-out village, with streets and homes designed to withstand the harsh desert conditions.

The reason behind its scant visitation is twofold—its remote location, tucked away in the vastness of the desert, makes it less accessible to the average tourist. Additionally, the eerie aura of being an abandoned ghost town shrouded in lore of curse and sudden mass migration might deter the faint-hearted.

What makes Kuldhara interesting, however, is the very mystery that surrounds its abandonment. Legend has it, the entire population of Kuldhara, along with 83 nearby villages, vanished overnight due to the tyranny of a ruler, leaving behind a curse that no one could inhabit the land. This historical enigma, combined with the architectural remnants, offers a tantalizing glimpse into the past, making Kuldhara not just a place, but a story etched in time. Its desolation is hauntingly beautiful, offering an unparalleled experience for those intrigued by history, mystery, and the supernatural. Kuldhara stands as a testament to the rich cultural tapestry of India, promising an exploration of its lesser-known narratives.

Sample Answer 2 Describe a Tourist Attraction that Very Few People Visit but You Think Is Interesting

Nestled in the verdant landscape of Meghalaya, the Double Decker Living Root Bridges stand as a testament to the ingenuity of man and the benevolence of nature. Located in the remote village of Nongriat, these bridges are handcrafted from the aerial roots of Rubber Fig Trees by the indigenous Khasi people. The bridges span across rivers and ravines, creating an awe-inspiring pathway that seems straight out of a fantasy novel.

Visitors to these bridges are rewarded with the sight of these unique bio-engineered structures that have been nurtured over generations to grow and strengthen. Beyond the bridges, the area is a paradise for nature lovers, featuring lush rainforests, enchanting waterfalls, and clear blue pools, offering sights and experiences that are unparalleled anywhere else in the world.

The relative obscurity of the Double Decker Living Root Bridges can be attributed to their location in one of the wettest places on earth, combined with the challenging trek required to reach them. The path to Nongriat involves descending and ascending over a thousand steps, deterring those unprepared for the physical demands of the journey.

What makes these living root bridges fascinating is not just their architectural marvel but also what they represent – a harmonious relationship between humans and nature. This system of sustainable living, where the community actively participates in molding the natural landscape to meet their needs without harming the environment, is a lesson in ecology and conservation. Their existence tells a compelling story of cultural resilience and environmental stewardship, making it an extraordinary destination for those seeking to explore the wonders of nature and human creativity combined.

Sample Answer 3 Describe a Tourist Attraction that Very Few People Visit but You Think Is Interesting

The Chand Baori in Abhaneri, Rajasthan, is an architectural wonder that remains relatively unknown to the vast majority of tourists visiting India. This stepwell, one of the largest and deepest in the world, was constructed in the 8th century by King Chanda of the Nikumbh dynasty and is an intricately designed structure intended for water harvesting.

Visitors to Chand Baori can see a mesmerizing geometric pattern formed by its 3,500 narrow steps descending 20 meters to the bottom of the well, across 13 stories. Besides its practical purpose for water collection, the stepwell also served as a community gathering place for locals during periods of intense heat. The steps provide access from all sides and lead down to a cool, serene area below ground level. The well is accompanied by a pavilion and resting rooms on one side, adorned with sculptures of religious significance and intricate carvings depicting scenes from daily life in ancient times.

Despite its historical significance and architectural marvel, Chand Baori attracts only a few visitors. Its location in the small village of Abhaneri, off the main tourist trails, and the general lack of awareness about the existence of such stepwells outside India contribute to its relative obscurity.

What makes Chand Baori fascinating is not just its scale and design but also its testament to ancient engineering skills and the understanding of water management in arid regions. This stepwell illustrates the blend of functionality and aesthetics in a manner that is both striking and thought-provoking. Exploring Chand Baori offers a unique glimpse into India’s rich cultural heritage and the innovative spirit of its ancestors, making it an intriguing site for those interested in architecture, history, and sustainable practices of ancient civilizations.

Follow-ups Describe a Tourist Attraction that Very Few People Visit but You Think Is Interesting

Question 1 Why do people visit tourist attractions?

Answer – People visit tourist attractions to explore new places, experience diverse cultures, and history. Such visits offer relaxation, adventure, and a chance to create lasting memories. Attractions provide a break from routine, allowing individuals and families to enjoy nature, art, and heritage.

Question 2 What makes a tourist attraction famous?

Answer – A tourist attraction becomes famous due to its unique features, historical significance, or natural beauty. Popularity can also grow from media exposure, recommendations, and cultural importance. Accessibility and amenities play crucial roles in attracting visitors globally.

Question 3 Do local people like to visit local tourist attractions?

Answer – Local people occasionally visit local tourist attractions, often spurred by hosting visitors or special events. The proximity might lead to complacency, with locals believing they can visit anytime, preferring instead to travel further afield for new experiences.

Question 4 Do you think tourism causes environmental damage?

Answer – Yes, tourism can cause environmental damage, leading to pollution, habitat destruction, and resource depletion. Popular destinations might suffer from overcrowding, leading to wear and tear on natural and historical sites.

Question 5 How can people prevent the environmental damage caused by tourism?

Answer – To prevent environmental damage caused by tourism, individuals can choose eco-friendly transport, reduce waste, and respect local ecosystems. Supporting responsible tourism businesses that invest in conservation and community welfare is also vital.

Question 6 Should all tourist attractions be free to the public?

Answer – While free access to tourist attractions sounds ideal, some sites require entrance fees for maintenance and conservation efforts. These fees should be reasonable and directly contribute to the site’s preservation and enhancement.

Question 7 What kinds of tourist sites are popular in your country?

Answer – In my country, diverse tourist sites ranging from historical monuments, natural landscapes, cultural festivals, to religious temples are popular. They attract tourists with their unique charm, showcasing the country’s rich cultural tapestry and natural beauty.

Question 8 What can governments do to prevent pollution in tourist sites?

Answer – Governments can prevent pollution at tourist sites by enforcing strict waste management policies, promoting sustainable practices, and investing in eco-friendly infrastructure. Raising awareness among visitors about environmental conservation is also crucial.

Question 9 What are the advantages of visiting less known places?

Answer – Visiting less-known places offers quieter, more authentic experiences, allowing visitors to connect closely with local cultures and environments. It supports lesser-known communities economically and often leads to discovering hidden gems away from crowded tourist spots.

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