Singing: Speaking Part 1 Questions with Answers

Singing: Speaking Part 1 Questions with Answers

Singing: Speaking Part 1 Questions with Answers. These are the IELTS Speaking part 1 Topics and Questions on general topics about your life. Your answers will be from your life and experience.

Singing: Speaking Part 1 Questions with Answers

Question 1:- Can you sing?

Answer 1:- Not occasionally, I like to sing, but I don’t know whether I can sing in a fluent way. I can just sing some songs based on some movies.

Answer 2:- Yes, I can sing. I love to sing my favourite songs in my spare time whenever I feel bored.

Question 2:- Do you like singing?

Answer 1:- Yes, I like singing many songs, especially the regional songs released in our country. I’m a big fan of those songs.

Answer 2:- Yes, I love singing, but I’m not particularly eager to sing in public because of Unmediolus’s voice.

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Question 3:- When do you like to sing?

Answer 1:- After a busy day, I like to sing songs or to listen listen to music.

Answer 2:- I like to sing a song during my spare time due to the cut of Boredom from my brain.

Question 4:- Is it difficult to sing well?

Answer 1:- Yes, it is tedious to sing songs, especially classical music, which originated from ages it’s very difficult to practice.

Answer 2:- No, it is tough to sing a song, but you need good knowledge of tunes and musical instruments to make singing better.

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Question 5:- What kind of music do you like to sing?

Answer 1:- I like to sing Western music, songs which are released by pop stars in the form of albums. I also like singing original songs.

Answer 2:- Well, I like to listen to different types of music like jazz, pop and especially classical music.

Question 6:- Do you want to be a singer?

Answer 1:- Not really, because I already have another aim in my life, and I am on the way to achieving it, so I don’t have an interest in becoming a singer or pursuing my career in singing.

Answer 2:- I do not want to be a singer because I plan to be a software engineer instead of a singer. Moreover, I do not have singing skills.

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