Wild Animals Have No Place in The 21st Century

Wild Animals Have No Place in The 21st Century

Wild animals have no place in the 21st century, so protecting them is a waste of resources. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Sample 1: Wild Animals Have No Place in The 21st Century

Every animal has its own value, whether wild or domestic animal. In this age, there are different opinions on the conservation and protection of wild animals. Some people perceive that there is no place for them, so protecting these animals is just resource waste. This essay totally disagrees with this opinion because protecting wild animals can be economically and environmentally significant.

Firstly, wild animals can be economically significant by generating revenue for the government through conserving them in a zoo. Zoo is a public attraction that people pay a visit to in order to see different kinds of animals because not everyone can make the journey to the forest to see them, and at the same time, many will want to see what wild animals like lions, and gorillas look like. So when government allocates resources for the development of this attraction, it will bring more income to the government’s purse because it will attract many visitors who will be charged for visitation. For example, it was reported that income realized from Ibadan Zoo contributed about 20 percent to the internal revenue generated by the local government at the end of 2021. Therefore, protecting wildlife will boost the economy rather than squandering resources.

In addition, wild lives are important to the environment as well. They play a crucial role when it comes to environmental purification through their scavenging and carnivorous ability. Both aquatic and terrestrial animals help to remove dead animals or bodies from sea or land, which are capable of causing air pollution through the libration of offensive odor or water pollution. For example, sharks feed on dead bodies in the sea, thereby making it debris free and clean. So assuming they are removed from the water, what will make the sea clean? Therefore, the presence of wildlife is important to the environment.

In conclusion, making room for and protecting wild animals is beneficial to living rather than wasting resources because it can generate funds into the government’s purse and control potential environmental threats.

Sample 2: Wild Animals Have No Place in The 21st Century

In this contemporary era, wild beasts have no space to Live, and giving them protection is based on money and time. This essay will highlight that this certainly is a rational approach that needs to be obtained from disagreeing sides, thus leading to a logical conclusion.

Analyzing the statement and explaining the first and most reason behind this is that wild animals are as important as other domestic animals. Moreover, they are an important part of the human life cycle and help maintain the biological cycle through them. If people do not protect them, one species is highly increased, and another species is extinct. Another striking reason in this regard is that children do not get information about various types of animals because animals have no space to live on Earth, and authorities do not spend money on them to save different species.

Probing ahead, one of the main underlining reasons stems from the fact that they are a creation of God and they are entitled as humans. Thus, individuals give them enough space to live.

On the other hand, some species are very harmful to human beings, they kill people and other domestic animals for their food, so they are dangerous for all creatures on Earth. People should not waste their time and money to save them because it is life-threatening.

To recapitulate, although Several species are unsafe for people. I opine that wild animals are an essential part of nature’s life cycle, and they have a right to live on Earth.

Sample 3 Wild Animals Have No Place in The 21st Century

The assertion that wild animals are irrelevant in the 21st century and protecting them is wasteful is a viewpoint that demands careful consideration. While it is true that the modern world presents unprecedented challenges, I firmly disagree with the notion that the preservation of wild animals is a futile endeavor. In fact, safeguarding these creatures is not only ethically imperative but also essential for maintaining the delicate balance of ecosystems and ensuring the well-being of our planet.

First and foremost, every species plays a role in the intricate web of life on Earth. Removal of any species, even seemingly insignificant ones, can trigger a domino effect with far-reaching ecological consequences. For instance, the decline of bee populations due to habitat loss and pollution has been linked to disruptions in pollination, affecting agriculture and food production. The disappearance of predators can lead to unchecked growth in prey populations, resulting in ecosystem instability. Thus, the preservation of wild animals is crucial for maintaining biodiversity and the functioning of ecosystems.

Furthermore, advances in scientific understanding have revealed the potential benefits that wild species can offer to humanity. Many modern medical breakthroughs are derived from compounds found in plants and animals, highlighting the untapped potential of wild organisms. From potential cancer treatments to innovative materials, the value of these resources cannot be underestimated. By protecting wild animals and their habitats, we preserve a vast reservoir of potential solutions to future challenges.

It is also important to recognize the cultural and aesthetic value of wild animals. Many societies hold deep cultural, spiritual, and artistic connections to wildlife. These creatures inspire art, literature, and indigenous knowledge that contribute to human culture and identity. Moreover, the simple enjoyment of observing and interacting with wildlife in their natural habitats has a profound impact on human well-being and can foster a sense of responsibility for conservation.

While some argue that resources spent on conservation could be directed towards more immediate human needs, this perspective overlooks the interconnectedness of all life forms. Our own well-being is intimately tied to the health of the planet. Neglecting wild animals and ecosystems could lead to detrimental consequences such as loss of vital ecosystem services, disruptions in food chains, and exacerbation of climate change impacts.

In conclusion, the idea that wild animals have no place in the modern world and conserving them is wasteful is short-sighted. Preserving these creatures is fundamental for maintaining biodiversity, ecosystem balance, and potential scientific discoveries. Furthermore, it holds cultural, aesthetic, and ethical value. Investing in the protection of wild animals is an investment in our planet’s future and the well-being of all species, including our own.

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