We no longer need to have animals kept in zoos

We No Longer Need to Have Animals Kept in Zoos

We no longer need to have animals kept in zoos, so zoos should be closed. Do you agree or disagree? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Sample 1:- We No Longer Need to Have Animals Kept in Zoos

Zoological parks contain various animals native to all parts of the earth. Regarding this, many individuals believe that in this Era, there is no necessity for zoos, and they should be closed. However, I disagree with this viewpoint because I believe that Zoos are beneficial for animals and it can protect endangered species which are on the verge of extinction.

To begin with, there are enormous causes behind my agreement with why zoos need to be protected animals. The predominant one is that zoological parks are crucial for animal development because they can provide animals with high facilities. Zoos can provide high-quality food to wild animals. In addition, these are mainly for protecting animals as they provide public education and entertainment opportunities. For example, with the help of zoological Gardens, more people can learn about the behavior and eating habits of animals, and most importantly, zoo keepers can also explain how important animals are to the environment and can help change people’s opinions to be more positive to protect animals.

Furthermore, zoological gardens can also preserve certain species on the verge of extinction. Additionally, many of the endangered species are poached from the jungle, and many of the species most likely would be eaten and killed by predators, which reduces the number of species in wildlife. However, if wildlife parks were set up in every Nation as a result of this, many species would be protected from extinction by captive breeding programs. For example, it has been concluded by many researchers that captive-bred animals have boosted a plethora of wild populations. Moreover, veterinaries will be able to prevent and treat certain injuries or diseases to the animals in Zoos as certain diseases have resulted in an increase in animal-to-animal, directly contributing to the extinction of wildlife species.

After evaluating the different aspects of this notion, it can be stated that zoological Gardens are essential for animals because it has increased the chances of animal living by protecting some animals from extinction, and it is useful for knowledge and proper health of animals.

Sample 2:- We No Longer Need to Have Animals Kept in Zoos

Zoos have been in existence for a vast number of years globally, serving as part of amusement places. The notion that they should be shut down since there is no need to keep animals there does not sound good to me. Hence, I express my disagreement in the following paragraphs.

From time immemorial, zoos formed a part of society serving the purposes of exhibiting animals, both wild and non (but nondomestic), that people were not familiar with. From the likes of monkeys, chimpanzees, lions, zebras, giraffes, and other species of snakes, birds, et cetera, this was normally the creation and innovations of explorers. As they explore different continents around the world, they happen to be accompanied back by this handful of species from their various adventures. This was indeed a delight to people as they occasionally visited zoos that housed these numerous species. The interesting aspect is how the places are made to depict the usual natural habitats of these organisms. As a form of recreational and business purposes, both parties benefitted immensely; but the most revealing impact is people connecting with nature and the wild.

Moreso, zoos have served as an avenue for biological scientific research (in animals), bringing numerous and imperative discoveries and factored innovations in the medical field. The study of some of these species and their connections with human beings improved medical research.

Furthermore, tourism cannot be left out as people tend to travel from all works of life to visit various zoos in other countries, bringing a significant contribution to the economy as this creates employment opportunities are equally created. Among these are students who visit for leisure, studies, and research as well. About a few years back, I visited an Ostrich farm in the company of other acquaintances in the Central region of Ghana. Words could not explain the feeling of the sites and the sense of adventure.

I think zoos that are dying out should be revived, considering the purpose and benefits it entails. The government and stakeholders need to implement measures to resurrect this good old venture. The most important thing, however, is that animals are well taken care of and not abused or exploited. Not forgetting investing in creating conducive habitats for these species. A piece of recent impressive news revealed a business mogul in Ghana who had purchased two tiger cubs, both male and female, in order to breed and restock the failing Kumasi Magazin Zoo in the Ashanti region. This is a beneficial initiative in conjunction with the government.

Sample 3 We No Longer Need to Have Animals Kept in Zoos

The question of whether zoos should continue to exist in today’s society has sparked considerable debate. While some argue that zoos are no longer necessary due to advancements in education and technology, I firmly believe that well-maintained zoos still serve valuable purposes in terms of conservation, education, and research.

To begin with, zoos play a pivotal role in conservation efforts for endangered species. Many animals face the threat of habitat loss and poaching, leading to a decline in their populations. Zoos, with their controlled environments, can provide a safe haven for these animals and engage in breeding programs to ensure the survival of species on the brink of extinction. For example, the successful breeding of giant pandas in captivity has contributed significantly to their conservation. Closing down zoos would eliminate this crucial lifeline for numerous species facing the risk of extinction.

Furthermore, zoos provide unparalleled educational opportunities. They allow people, especially children, to observe and learn about various species from around the world that they might never encounter otherwise. Zoos often conduct informative programs and interactive exhibits that raise awareness about wildlife and conservation. These experiences can inspire future generations to become environmentally conscious and take active roles in protecting the natural world. A study conducted by a leading educational institution found that students who visited zoos displayed a greater understanding of biodiversity and ecological issues compared to those who did not have such exposure.

In addition, zoos contribute to scientific research that aids our understanding of animal behavior, physiology, and psychology. Studying animals in captivity provides insights that are challenging to gain in the wild. Researchers can conduct controlled experiments and gather data that contribute to our knowledge of both captive and wild populations. This research, for instance, has led to advancements in veterinary medicine and the development of effective conservation strategies.

However, I acknowledge that not all zoos meet high ethical and welfare standards. Some zoos may prioritize profits over the well-being of animals, leading to inadequate living conditions. To address this concern, stringent regulations and oversight should be in place to ensure that zoos adhere to ethical guidelines and provide appropriate habitats for their inhabitants.

In conclusion, while the necessity of zoos can be debated, I firmly believe that their existence continues to serve essential purposes. Zoos contribute to conservation efforts, offer educational opportunities, and advance scientific research. To create a better future for both animals and humans, it is crucial to advocate for well-maintained zoos that prioritize the welfare of the animals they house and actively contribute to global conservation and education efforts.

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